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how to import demo sections to live site ?

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  • #422132


    1. I need to know how is it possible to import a selected section of demo content ( for example pre-designed product display section) to my live running site?

    2. how do i set up track order part ? the link here only shows tracking Page. but how do i really integrate ?

    thank you

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    1- Using the Theme’s Template Library, you can import different Sections on your Site according to your choice: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/templates-library/

    Although, the Product Sections that you will import through Template Library will get imported but they will work according to the Settings selected for them under the Dashboard > Theme Settings.

    2- Regarding the Order Tracking concern, please read about it here on the following Theme Documentation Guide: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/order-tracking-form/

    Best Regards.

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