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how to import fully functional demos

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    tunc deniz sensoy

    I imported market place demo but I cannot see sample pages under shop and blog menu items. But we can reach them in the demo pages in your web site. How can we download these sho and blog demo pages to our portal.



    Please check the Dashboard > Pages, do you see the shop and blog page? Have you uploaded the demo data to the site?

    Best Regards


    tunc deniz sensoy

    I can see 1 shop page but in your web site under shop menu item we can reach various types of demo shop pages actualy 11 different types (from hiddensidebar to only cathogories) , also in the menu product hover, product pages, product images,woocommerce and features sections are not operational. Please provide me how and where can I load these options.


    tunc deniz sensoy

    I also have loade demo data.


    tunc deniz sensoy

    Same problem exist for the blog pages section also. I do not have various types of blog pages and theme elements.
    There is no demo layouts, pre-build pages, portfolio and headers demo pages which are present in the demo site in your web site.
    Please provide me solution as soon as urgently.



    Please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Please advise what demo you would like to upload, make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards


    tunc deniz sensoy

    I do not want to load any specific demo. I want to have same demo in your demo page
    The problem is demeo we load just ıne sample shop page, blog, category and elements page. In the demo iin your demo site there are various shop, blog,categories, Theme elements,headers ext.
    But demo we load just have one sample shop, blog, categories, elements page. Which as you know there should be example of each shop pages, blog pages, category and elements pages which we can chose and use.
    This is the problem.
    Thank you,

    [email protected]

    30 Mar 2021 15:03 (2 gün önce)

    Alıcı: noreply.xtemos, bcc: ben
    Elise Noromit wrote:


    Please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Please advise what demo you would like to upload, make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards

    NOTE: We don’t track replies on the email. To continue the conversation, please, visit the topic page and leave your messages there.

    Post Link: https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/how-to-import-fully-functional-demos/#post-277568


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    All our demo pages show the options that can be configured in the Theme Settings.

    The Shop page is configured in the Theme Settings > Shop page, The category page inherits the shop page settings.

    The Blog page is configured in the Theme Settings > Blog page, you will find the Single posts options as well.

    Product page settings are provided in the Theme Settings > Product page.

    Here is the detailed documentation: https://xtemos.com/documentation/woodmart/

    If you want to apply for an option and do not know where to find it, write me I will guide you.

    Best Regards


    tunc deniz sensoy

    DearI requested in my mail that how can I down load demo, shop, product, blog pages you showcase in your page. The reason I chose your theme it says in your site that you have working demeo pages can be downloade. Not can be designed after reading manuals. I am not wp expert and or understant so muc. For example I purched them from premiunpree and alltimes magazine they have fully functinal demeos wth page option can be custumized from elementor interface I am happy. Same reason I purchase your them. Please tel me now can or shal I will be able to download all of the demo pages you advertised in your web site. Such as filtered are shop page, and or centred product page as pages in to my site and later I can customize. Like various home page samples you let us download. If it is not to case
    Then I can not read and understant what is written in your manual.
    Downloadable demo pages for me downlaodable. I should see them in my site not to design one shop page you sent me and see what is changed or not.
    Therfore I you do not provide me shop, product, blog, woocommerce,page samples like you advertise in your web site



    Please choose the demo you like here: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/ open the demo by clicking this button: https://gyazo.com/880e17383458404e18f17fb94ecc5f49

    Then determine which page builder you want to use: WP bakery page builder or Elementor.

    Then you can follow this link and upload the appropriate demo: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/installation-process/

    Alternatively, you can provide site admin access and advise the builder and demo, I will help to install and upload the demo.

    Best Regards

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