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How to rename mobile sidebar filter

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  • #486118



    i would like to change the text for the sidebar filter in the mobile view. Currently the filter text is “Show column”. Where can I find the setting to change the text?

    Thanks in advance.



    Please use the Loco translate plugin on your site. After installing the plugin please Navigate to Loco >> Themes >> Woodmart >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    Also, please Navigate to Loco >> Plugins >> Woocommerce >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    Also, please Navigate to Loco >> Plugins >> Woodmart-Core >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    1. Custom (recommended)
    2. This is Loco’s protected folder under “wp-content/languages/loco/” which is safe from automatic updates and provides priority over the above locations.
    If this folder doesn’t exist you may need to create it and ensure it has the correct permissions.

    For more information please read the theme documentation here:

    Best Regards.



    Hey Aizaz,

    thank you for your reply. I do have locotranslate installed but i can’t find the text that i would like to change. Is it possible that you could take a look?

    Best regards



    Please Go to Loco Translate >> Themes >> Woodmart.

    Then first click the sync button then search the string and translate it. If you are still unable then provide the login details of the website.

    Best Regards



    Hey Aizaz,

    as i mentioned before i can’t find the text “show column”. So it’s not possible for me to change the text. Everything else is working fine.

    Please look at the “Extra information” for login details to my site

    Best regards



    Sorry for the misunderstanding. You can change this text by editing the custom layout used for the shop and category pages: https://ibb.co/J7kxvjJ

    Best Regards.



    Thanks for your help Aizaz 😉


    Most Welcome!!!.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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