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How to set filter for shop page?

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  • #257358


    Hello, may I ask how could we set up the shop page like your template site, as well as enable to select multiple category as check options? Now when I click onto one of the category, it will just direct to the product category page. Thanks!

    The photo from your demo is just demonstration of selecting two options of filter together. But we would like to select multiple categories instead, thanks!

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    And how can we enable to use this filter instead in the shop page ?https://ogawaworld.hk/%e5%95%86%e5%ba%97/



    And may we know how can we translate these texts by loco, as we tried to change no nothing changes after. Thanks

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    You need to use the woodmart woocommerce layered nav widget in the shop page widget area under Appearance >> Widgets.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/wkzgvb

    And the woodmart woocommerce layered nav only works for the product attributes not for the categories.

    And for the translations not working please edit the translation and click the SYNC button first then clear cache and check back.

    Best Regards.



    thanks for your reply, if i keep my current widget, how can I enable customer to select multiple categories ?



    You are Most Welcome.

    Sorry but there is no option in Theme Settings to enable the multi-select.

    It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Xtemos Studios.

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