Hi,I received a failed email every day.i want to stop to close it but i can not find how to fix it,as i can not find where is the problem? it seems that it send by auto directly but i can not find how to close it.could you help me? below is the detail information and the screenshot. it auto send it to “[email protected] ” , how can i find it ans set it close?
Dear user:
So sorry to inform you that your email([email protected]) was returned.The Details are as follows:
Returned mail
time: Sat, 29 Jan 2022 11:52:41 +0000
subject: Woodmart dummy demos “[your-subject]”
to: [email protected]
We query MX records of the recipient’s domain is failed
error code: SMTP; Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name=as.as type=A: Host not found
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