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How to show attribute for Simple products?

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    For “Variable product”, we can demonstrate the swatches to tell customers what they can expect. For example, https://prnt.sc/EvLg0SMCSBBO, customers know that there are 2 options they can expect, 90克(90g) or 170克(170g).

    But for “Simple product”, there is no option to demonstration an attribute to tell customers what this product is about. For example, https://prnt.sc/jsW3HynV9d23. These simple products are 85g. But I cannot show a label of the attribute on the catalogue page or the single product page to tell customers. Instead, I have to write it down on the product title: https://prnt.sc/jR4cpmbeZR6M

    This is not a preferred way:
    1. The product title is usually linked to the SEO title which is limited number of words. Sometimes the title of the product is quite long and no more space for the attribute.
    2. The outlook of the shop page will be inconsistent because some products (the Simple products) showing the attribute on the title, but some don’t (the Variable products). Somehow create confusions to customers.

    1. Transform all simple products into variable products so that there will be a single option of swatch to demonstrate what this product is about.
    2. Choose “Additional information” here: https://prnt.sc/wj5XHwaN2G6l

    But both solutions are not very good:
    1. customers have to “choose” the single option, and then “add to the cart”, 1 step more has to take.
    2. I tested this “Additional information” feature, its ok for desktop version, but not showing up on mobile version.

    Is there a simple way to demonstrate the attribute for simple products on the catalogue page?
    Or is it possible to change this SKU (https://prnt.sc/LdgSoMj4dF_-) to show any other attributes?



    Luke Nielsen


    You can create an appropriate attribute via Products -> Attributes, and then define some through the product settings: https://prnt.sc/2Ct7X6FvMjir , also, for that attribute enable the “Show attribute label on products” option in the settings of the attribute itself: https://prnt.sc/FRmSGIYTRw7x .

    As a result, you will have appropriate labels on the product grid: https://prnt.sc/irSp0flZxbL9

    Kind Regards

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