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How to show custom filter sidebar on custom archive page?

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  • #360954


    I maked jetengine custom post type and use listing system. I need sidebar with filters on archive page but not understand how i can make it? I used all theme setting for filters and added hrml block but it not helped



    Please create a custom sidebar in the Dashboard > Sidebar.

    Then add the sidebar widget (black one) into the column of your page: https://gyazo.com/7139870f230e424035ef9258b604b7ba

    And you can HTML block with the filters into your custom sidebar and they would appear on the page.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    That helped! I don’t understand how to make it work with show column button on mobile. I want to show it like side menu or cart on mobile. T



    If I follow you properly, do you mean mobile bottom navbar? You can configure it in the Theme Settings > General > Mobile bottom navbar.

    If you mean something different please elaborate more details and screens would be helpful.

    Best Regards

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