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HTML block in main menu

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    When using html block in main menu this has to be the main menu item right? Could I link this item to the product category? Because now when clicking the item it returns to homepage. I think I am missing something. Also I am trying to use a product filter showing shoe sizes but they are not directing to products. Could you please help?



    Also is there a way to scroll all elements because there are too many categories and brands and the mega menu becomes too long?



    You need to edit your existing Category menu, perhaps you have custom links there if so, remove them all and add Product categories as menu items, and HTML block would go as sub-menu, in this case when you click on the menu, you will get to the category.

    We can do it with custom CSS, please provide your site URL as soon as your menu is ready.

    Best Regards




    please help! Now I am trying to use an html block and the custom fields in menu item do not appear. I really need to close this project, and the settings do not appear also if I use html block as submenu.

    Please check private content.



    Enter each menu item and set the size https://prnt.sc/r0ny51 you will see the HTML block drop-down chose any, I have tested it works https://gyazo.com/ae0b81089f38e26c7699f358f7c11093

    Best Regards



    Hello, thank you for your help. Could you help me also with something else? I have used a filter by size attribute in my html block with a widgetized sidebar element but I think it is not the right way. I would like to have this filter in the mega menu which will redirect the user to all products of the selected size. Is it possible to do that? Any suggestions would be appreciated.



    To tell you the truth we have not tested filter on the menu. You see the menu is not very good for dynamic elements. Try to do that but not sure it would work correctly.

    Best Regards



    You are right it is not working. I was wondering if you know any other way to achieve that. What I need is something like that https://www.loom.com/share/34923550062442fbb184c53d2b4f1d4a



    1. Enable Top filters in the Theme Settings > Shop > Shop filters https://gyazo.com/3564df2a5d658a0010b6c0ebd0b537d4

    2. Enable Shop filters area always opened

    3. Add Woodmart filter widget to the Shop filter area in Appearance > Widget

    Best Regards



    Hi, I followed your instruction but still not working properly. Could you please check to see if it can work?



    Please have a look at the screen: https://gyazo.com/f01aa569e8d9cfcbefe8dfcd17560de3 Filter works and size filter works as well.

    Please clarify the problem.

    Best Regards



    Sorry maybe I did not explain it well. I am trying to use size filter in my main menu, html block as you can see below
    What I need is something like that

    I have use a widgetized sidebar in my html blog for the menu item, in order to be able to show the attribute but it does not redirecting to the products of that size.



    As I told you it would hardly ever work. The menu is not destined for such content. The menu is the list of links and images but not for dynamic content.

    What you can do:

    1. Che the option “Enable archives?” in the Size attribute

    2. Then add view each size and take the URL, and add it into the menu

    In the result, you will have, for example, large and all the products related would be shown.

    Best Regards

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