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HTML block not working

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  • #330754


    hi, suddenlly some of my HTML blocks are not working.they are not redirecting to the appropriate page,just bllank
    so i deleted the menu item https://i.imgur.com/B0iRsJD.png from “Browse Category” menu and recreated the menu item https://i.imgur.com/qkolvJG.png and
    Obviously the target link Menu-category-5-Eswterikou-xwrou is not correct. where from do i set up the target link please? is it somewhere on the html blocks or on product categories, or somewhere else?
    the correct url is https://kourtakis-lighting.gr/product-category/fotistika-esoterikou-xorou/ but where do i set it up to work via the html block for “browse category” menu?
    please advise.
    thank you



    P.S where ever the link https://kourtakis-lighting.gr/product-category/fotistika-esoterikou-xorou/ is applied, it does not work , so maybe the above issue is related to this lank?



    Please, provide your site admin access (insert the site credentials into the Private content block under the message area).

    Best Regards



    hello, i have added credentials on private content



    Please check this manual: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/

    HTML blocks are custom post types allowing add content to any place of your site. If you want the content inside the HTML block could redirect somewhere, you need to use the Extra menu list element or widget that allows creating a menu list for your mega menu dropdown.

    I am checking the Browse Categories and they work as they should. Please provide more details on how you expect they should work?

    Best Regards

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