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HTML Blocks links

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  • #211723


    First at all, congratulations for the greate template! I love it!

    I have an issue whit the HTML block. I create some of them for the left menu dropdown “categorys”.
    It works almost fine…
    Apears there and the block visual works. But when I click in the “title box” link is “?cms_block=”examplecategory”” re-directed me on the home page, When those who were already the link is “product-category/examplecategory”

    How can I link my html block to the category page?
    On WordPress Menu configuration they are differentiated, “Categoty” those who already exist with the template, and “Html block” those who I made. Maybe I did it wrong,

    Sorry for my english. I hope it’s understood and you can help me.



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for warm feedback.

    You need to enter each HTML block, and enter each Extra menu list item and write the title and assign a link https://gyazo.com/51de0657f79e20afe82b09c0c3641722

    Best Regards



    Thank you for the quick answer!

    That’s work fine, thank you, but now how can I do on the previus box? The box on the dropdown menu the “title” box of the HTML Block, I wanna link that.

    I will attached screenshots to explain what i’m saying



    HTML block is some kind a custom post from one side and shown in the menu however it is a functional unit. We cannot remove it from the menu, at the same time the way you have added HTML block is incorrect.

    Please check this manual and you will find the correct way of adding of the HTML blocks: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/create-menu-2/

    Best Regards



    Thank you!
    Now it works perfectly!!!


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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