Home Forums WoodMart support forum I did as you said, I need to change the size on the main page through elementor

I did as you said, I need to change the size on the main page through elementor

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  • #528056


    I did as you said, I need to change the size on the main page through elementor via custom, but it doesn’t change. I want to take 300×300 px

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    Hung Pham

    Hi sales.gvesi,

    As I answered in the previous topic that you can’t specify columns width in pixels.

    It depends on how many columns which set under Theme Settings > Products archive > Products grid and width is fixed https://prnt.sc/41NN26vbX0DY

    I also recommend you preparing categories images before uploading them to your media library using the graphic editor (Photoshop or any other) and make them the same size and the same zoom to have a nice-looking grid.


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