Home Forums WoodMart support forum I did update on woodmart theme and i face this error

I did update on woodmart theme and i face this error

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  • #542436

    if (mobileNav) {
    if ( mobileNav.querySelector(‘ul.wd-active’).length > 0 ) {
    mobileNavFirstHeight = mobileNav.querySelector(‘ul.wd-active’).style.height;

    the error is i take this error Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘length’)

    Also my mobile menu not work i set it on header builder

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    Luke Nielsen


    Please try to disable all plugins except these ones:

    Elementor or WPBackary
    Woodmart Core
    Enable the Parent theme

    If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    Let me know the result.

    Kind Regards


    i followed all the steps and still have the same error


    Also, please do not update woocomerce and dokan you have to update me


    Luke Nielsen


    Please send me a video of how the error occurs on your side. Also, confirm the permission for plugin deactivation, and switch to the parent/default theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable all back, You would better make the full backup of your site.

    Kind Regards


    Sorry but at the moment I don’t have the tools to make a video but the steps are simple:
    1.and in the parent as well as in the child when the homepage is loaded open the console occur this error (screenshot_xtheme).
    2.mobile menu not working(screenshot_mobile).
    I have backup

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    Sorry I forgot to tell you that you can deactivate and all the necessary actions . Thank you very much I look forward to hearing from you.


    Luke Nielsen


    Thank you for the screenshots. Before testing, I tried to replicate the issue, but on my side, such an issue does not happen, please check this https://take.ms/4afQv video.

    Let me know if I missed something.

    Kind Regards


    yeah for some reason it works ok both from my site


    Luke Nielsen


    Let me know when the issue occurs again.

    I hope you are not facing the same issue again.

    Kind Regards

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