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I need help on Woodmart Theme

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    How i can change this all category and any page background demo image.


    I also need the search bar Category select option.
    I am not using the default demo. I use another demo in this theme but another demo does not show the search bar category select option.
    I need this category select option in the search bar.

    1 . Your demo Screenshot this part
    2. My Website Screenshot this part


    Artem Temos


    We are not able to view your screenshots and get the following error https://gyazo.com/dfe4333a6f8eee8b57b33b9a0682995a
    Could you please attach your screenshots to the topic or use some other service for this?

    Kind Regards



    Please see screenshot

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    Artem Temos

    You can change your categories in Dashboard -> Products -> Categories.
    Your default shop page title image can be changed in Dashboard -> Pages -> Shop page -> edit.
    Make sure that your categories are not empty and contain some products.



    image-1.png and 2-3.png screenshot see please.
    I wanted to select category option in search bar on another woodmart demo page.


    Artem Temos

    As we can see, this category dropdown is already displayed on your website https://prnt.sc/zz5k1r
    Please, clarify the problem.



    Thanks this option now show in my search bar.
    but i need some option not show as your demo site.
    Category Background image cannot change .
    Shop option not correctly show.
    Shop price filtering options not show as your demo website.
    Show all full category.
    I need all main category show all this main category when mouse hover then show all sub category in main category parent category.
    Please see screenshot.
    Screenshot 3 not upload for image size 3 image link here.
    Thank You.

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    1. By default the background image of the product category inherits the shop page background. If you want to have one and the same background, you need to set the title background in the shop page: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/options-for-pages/

    If you want to have different background-images on each product category, you can find the option in the category: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/product-category-menu/

    2. The shop filters on the top page: This widget is shown by default. Here is the custom CSS to remove it:


    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global

    Then you can insert any widgets you want to Appearance > Widgets > Shop filter area – the widgets will appear at the top of the page. In order to show the sliding price filter, please add a Woocommerce price filter.

    Shop page widget area in the sidebar on the left. you can find more instructions here: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/widgets/ You will also find the Woodmart attribute filters and their options.

    If you want attribute filters to have the color or image swatches you can find the instruction on how to configure here: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/variable-products-swatches/

    Category menu: please find the option to show “Show hierarchy” in the widget: https://prnt.sc/zzr7x0

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    I need Some custom filtering option on shop side bar.
    Example Electronic products Ram , Storage , Screen Size , Color , Resolution , Features and others any category new new filtrating option.

    you can see this website some page and category products open and see filtrating option.


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    Yes, you need to create attributes, then create variable products, and the filter widgets to the sidebar as described above.

    Please read all the instructions thoroughly. You will find the information on how to configure of what you want.

    Best Regards



    I need every category many filtering option.
    3 , 4 , 5 type of filtrating option.
    When I give wizard 1 attributes filtrating option sidebar then shop filtrating option show or not all 3 , 4 ,5 type to attributes.

    You can see this 2 screenshot please 1 . https://prnt.sc/100h9a2 2 . https://prnt.sc/100haj1

    Website Link : https://www.startech.com.bd

    Thank You.



    You can add a filter widget and set which category this widget is shown on. https://gyazo.com/6d7755ed4264e40c0c066f1b648c9442

    Best Regards



    Ok Thank you so much.
    I am try now.



    For website speed up website how I can remove fonts.
    Some fonts need more time website make slower.
    You can see this gtmatrix Screenshot and Test result link.

    Help me to remove some file need more time and website slow.
    I don’t wanted to use any custom font I wanted to use very common all browser and website give default font for faster website.
    Thank You.


    Artem Temos


    You are pointing to Font Awesome icons font on your screenshot. They are loaded by some of the installed plugins and we don’t have any instruction about how to remove it. Probably, you need to remove all Font Awesome icons that you used on your pages. Also, make sure that it is not enabled in Dashboard -> Theme Settings -> Performance -> CSS -> “Font Awesome library”.

    Kind Regards



    I see this file extension is woff2 this is Font File Extension need 4.69s.
    For this file website make slower.


    Artem Temos

    Yes, Font Awesome is made as font and also contains woff2 file. So if you want not to load its files you need to find which plugin adds them first.



    When I try to build a mega menu in sub menu then I add menu html block but submenu not show mega menu but then I give main menu then show mega menu.

    Please see the Screenshot : http://prnt.sc/102mxik


    Artem Temos

    We have answered your question on a separate topic. If have any further questions regarding the mega menu, please, write your messages there.

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