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I need to increase my page performance and speed loading

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  • #364411


    Hello ,
    My website performance is not good at all
    i already bought 2 licenses from Woodmart and the both sites are in the same hosting and both have same plugins but one of them have a bad performance
    I done every thing to increase performance of the theme and elementor Pro but didn’t work yet

    please check : https://sena3y.com/home/
    The host provider is already give me Cloudflare and lightspeed and I have elementor Pro

    please check and help me in this issue
    Remark : I don’t know if i installed Autoptimize Plugin it will be better or not , i red here in some Topics that some customer using Woodmart have problem with Autoptimize so i upload it but didn’t activate it waiting for your support first


    Artem Temos


    In general, our theme is already optimized and doesn’t have too many resources to make your website slow. Most likely, your website performance suffers from the content you have added to your website. It may happen in case of too many plugins, large not optimized images, or other resources. So we suggest you remove unnecessary plugins, install some kind of JS & CSS optimizing plugins like WP Rocket. You can find our guide about how to optimize your website built with our themes here https://xtemos.com/wordpress-performance-optimization-the-ultimate-guide-in-2021/

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    thanks for this article

    but you didn’t also answer my question

    I don’t know if i installed Autoptimize Plugin it will be better or not , i read some Topics in the support articles says that some customer using Woodmart have problem with Autoptimize , Is this still happen or not and so I can install this Plugin


    Artem Temos


    We didn’t test our theme with this plugin but it shouldn’t have any problems if configured correctly.

    Kind Regards

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