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Icons Not Showing

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  • #349823


    Hi there,
    Can you please check why only woodmart icon is now showing. This is really weird for me. Elementor icon is perfectly working but woodmart is not working. Can you please take a look into this. I checked https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/icons-has-been-disappeared/ but could not solve the problem.




    It’s working properly now. Icons may disappear from time to time. This is caused by why. Please let’s figure out what could be causing this, even if it’s not a problem. Thank you in advance for helping me. I gave a 5 star rating for your theme. I purchased your theme from 4 different accounts. i love woodmart


    Luke Nielsen


    In order to find the problem, we need to see it. At the moment the icons appear correctly on your site (as you can see from the below video).


    Please, get in touch with us as soon as you see this problem again.

    Thanks for your time and have a great day.

    Kind Regards

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