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Image swatches for variable products

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  • #636960


    how can we activate image swatches for a specific product attribute?
    We don’t want to define image per every term in that taxonomy, but we want to define only images per product variations so it should load that variation image into the Image swatch on the product detail page.
    If there is no way how to achieve this in admin, then maybe some action/filter hook in the PHP code?




    To enable this feature,

    1. Enable the “Use images from product variations” in Theme Settings > Shop > Variable products: https://prnt.sc/SLKIoDeCW

    2. Define the image for the variation in the settings of the product – https://prnt.sc/nmOUHmnlVId0

    3. Enable the “Text swatch” for the attributes – https://prnt.sc/-J5sJSTq4C3V

    4. Navigate to Theme Settings > Shop > Variable products > set the as “Grid swatch attribute to display”: https://prnt.sc/YqWQY2EvNQ2j

    When this option is enabled, the swatches will automatically use the images assigned to product variations instead of the images uploaded to attribute terms. This allows you to display variation images dynamically without having to define images for each attribute term separately.

    Best Regards,



    Where can i find “3. Enable the “Text swatch” for the attributes” ?
    In /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=product&page=product_attributes&edit=1 I can see this https://i.imgur.com/iOS8jNY.png



    Navigate to Attributes > Edit Attributes > Configure terms > edit any value > and enable the text swatch.

    Please check this manual:

    Best Regards,

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