Hi Elise,
The problem is not showing the image in the product page variation. The problem is showing the variation image on the store page when I select some filter.
Imagine that I have 5 t-shirt products registered with 10 different colors in each one. When I enter the STORE page and select the red color in the filter, it should show on the STORE page, the 5 products with the images of the red variation of the shirt and not the images of the white shirts that are as the main image. It would be the same logic of the products page. If I put an image for each variation and when I click on the variation I see the image of that variation, I need the same result to happen on the store page. I selected the color Blue in the filter, all the images of blue t-shirts appear in the filter result and not all the whites because they are the main images.
How can I display product variation images on the STORE page when I select a filter?