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Insert headers & footers

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  • #162819

    Jeriss Cloud Center


    To insert headers & footers, multiple possibilities exist :
    – using a plugin which increases the number of plugins
    – or editing the theme header.php & footer.php

    I’d like to highlight this second option. It would be great if you could include a feature in the theme settings for inserting our custom codes there, directly into the theme files. In this way, we can get rid of an additional third-party plugin for better optimization.




    We really appreciate your suggestions. I got your point that you want to directly customize your headers and footer from the theme options by adding function hooks. I will forward your request as a featured request.

    We will try to add this feature in the near future coming release of theme.

    Best Regards.


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    I opened the same ticket twice by mistake.

    See :https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/insert-headers-footers/

    Please close one of them.



    @gevcen you can use native WP actions wp_head and wp_footer to avoid using extra plugins.



    @gevcen as per your request, I’m closing your other ticket as you generate two tickets for the same topic.

    @pacman1917 really thanks for sharing your idea. This will help someone in our forum.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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