1) Instagram does not have an option of sharing by its nature. You can only provide the link to Instagram.
2) Please try adding the following Custom CSS in the Global Custom CSS area under Theme Settings >> Custom CSS.
.widget_shopping_cart .mini_cart_item .woocommerce-Price-amount.amount {
display: none;
.cart-widget-side .widget_shopping_cart .total {
display: none;
.product-price, .product-subtotal {
display: none;
.cart-subtotal, .order-total {
display: none;
.woocommerce-checkout-review-order-table td.product-total {
display: none;
.woocommerce-checkout-review-order-table .cart-subtotal {
display: none;
tr.order-total td strong {
display: none;
Xtemos Studios.