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late loading of woodmart_slider element

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  • #152883


    Hi, how can we avoid late-loadings of woodmart_slider element?… for front page i checked with many speed metrics and got same results… go and check my site , slider is top of the page but images which is included that sliders are loading after the elements which is bottom … how can we prevent this problem?

    and also when i checked with metrics i realize that website is responsing and loading pictures (and i am not sure but maybe scripts) which are unused things.


    Artem Temos


    All sliders and carousels are initialized with JS functions after all document is loaded. It is how they work on all themes and we can’t change this behavior.

    What pictures loading do you mean? Could you please explain your second request?

    Kind Regards



    I believe that there we have a way to optimize the speed of loading For first coloumn… thanks to editinig JavaScript..

    And i believe that possitive criticals are cruical for your improvements…And you will do best for us if it could possible…



    I just want to emphasize that… even if JavaScript is loading early , it is calling image that included in slider is too late…

    And please check my waterfall … i minified jss , css … CSS is ok but js is loading both minified and unminified js files..


    Artem Temos

    We see that you are using some extra plugins for JS optimization and we don’t know how it is supposed to work. You can try to contact plugin’s developers for help in this question.

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