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Listing product’s specified attribute taxonomies

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  • #593841


    Is there any way to list product’s assigned attribute taxonomies? for example on single product page? Or single product tab? or on created new page?

    For example I have an attribute: base notes and taxonomy: jasmin, lemon
    I would like to list taxonomy in single products page in chosen place and it would look like this:
    Base notes: jasmin, lemon



    Navigate to Theme Settings > Single Product > Elements > Enable the option “Show attributes table after short description”.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards.



    will it show all the attributes assigned to product or can I choose specific one? Can I use shortcodes in chosen places to list attributes?



    “Show attributes table after short description” will display all assigned attributes. Currently, the Woodmart theme doesn’t support using shortcodes to list specific attributes in chosen places.

    Alternatively, Try to use the Theme’s Layout Builder you can create Custom Layouts for WooCommerce pages like Shop, Category, Single Product page, Cart, and Checkouts. So, you can use that to create your own custom layouts for a single product page and use the “product additional information table” widget and include or exclude the products.

    Further, you can read more about the Layout Builder here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/

    Best Regards



    I wanted to use “product additional information table” in the html block, but I dont see this widget available. Is there any way to add this widget and to include only chosen attributes in the block which I would connect to the tab?

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