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Login on primary menu, star-ratings, discount code display on variable products

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  • #48817


    Hi, I would like to:

    1) Create a login on the primary menu. I have followed the code on codecanyon and have input it into my child theme functions.php. However, I got an error (see attached). Could you give me a working function?

    2) Create star-rating on products like the electronics home (https://demo.xtemos.com/basel/home-electronics/) Could I have the functions as well?

    3) I have a plugin that creates dynamic discounts in bulk. On the front end of my site, the % discount label is shown correctly BUT not for variable products. Currently, for variable products, they only show the “SALE” label. I would like to have the function that will properly display correct discount in % for variable products.

    4) Should I input functions in WordPress -> Appearance -> Editor or should I edit them via child functions.php using FTP?

    I look forward to your reply. Thanks

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for contacting our support center.

    Sorry, but we can’t see your website without username and password.

    1. We don’t quite understand your question, what function are you asking about?

    2. Of course, you just need to have products with customer reviews to see the stars rating.

    3. Sorry, but this function doesn’t work with custom bulk discounts. It can be applied to products that have default WooCommerce sale prices, not custom values.

    4. We suggest you to edit your files via FTP.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio

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