Home Forums WoodMart support forum Magazine Sidebar can not be reactive & Logo does not work on every page.

Magazine Sidebar can not be reactive & Logo does not work on every page.

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  • #309597


    I have two problem with Woodmart Magazine Theme. It’s look cool for my blog site.
    However, I shared with you my problems.

    #1. I changed my logo and it’s work fine. But when I published a new post, I find that this page shows your woodmart logo instead of my logo. Then I check header builder but it’s fine and works on homepage but not working on another pages. So, please help me to solve this problem.

    #2. In Woodmart Magazine Theme I have a option of sidebar menu in the left middle of mobile version site. It’s look really cool. However, when I customize menus, I mark on sidebar and save it. After then sidebar menu has not worked. Then I again remove this mark it’s not working. Then I try to fix it in widget and live view customization but I failed.

    So, Please solve my two problem as soon as possible. Thank you.

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    1. I did not see any issue on the site, the logo is showing fine on all the pages. Please check the site after removing the browser cache. I think it is your browser cache issue.

    2. I think the issue is coming because of the 3rd party plugins, please deactivate all the 3rd party plugins from the site and activate only theme-required plugins on the site, I am sure your issue will be solved.

    If the problem continues then leave the plugins deactivated and tell me then we will troubleshoot with default plugins.

    Best Regards.

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