Home Forums WoodMart support forum MAGGOG: some different characters next to my domain name and some more questions

MAGGOG: some different characters next to my domain name and some more questions

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  • #573273


    Firstly i am glad to work with your theme.

    Q1: I have a problem which i couldn’t understand the reason? i don’t know why do i have a strange letters next to my domain name. It is like that: https://maggog.com/?v=7b3eaf5c6103 I deactivated all plugins except woodmart core. I realised that when I deactivate the woocommerce this text is gone hopefully: ………com/?v=7b3eaf5c6103 But of course I need woocommerce. I deleted woocommerce via Filazilla. I installed a new one, activated but result is same. ?v=7b3eaf5c6103 is coming back. By the way i created a directory via Multisite. In other directory everything is excellent. But in main domain i see this characters. Maybe a problem is coming from htaccess file or PhpMyAdmin tables? Or i am really confused.. Could you explain me the solution please?

    Q2: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/woodmart_element/tiled-products-grid/ where can i find this demo page?


    Luke Nielsen


    1. Try to adjust the permalinks in Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks.

    2. Yep, you can import it via page builder – https://gyazo.com/af40481d05f6bdd2d0e5ff00119b91c3

    Kind Regards



    Q2 is solved. Thank you so much for it.
    Q1 is still same. I still have this text next to my domain name in all pages and posts or products.


    Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks
    I tried this option earlier but for your suggestion i again tried but nothing changed.

    Note1: Previously i used another theme (DreamTheme: The7). but after i preferred your theme WoodMart. After theme changes, i had this strange characters. Now i get this problem for both of themes. But i am only interested in using WoodMart theme.

    Note2: I have a multisite network (not subdomain but directory. I gave these info that maybe you faced similar things before.

    • This reply was modified 6 days, 16 hours ago by maggog.com.

    Luke Nielsen


    1. This is the first time I see such a problem. Could you please check how it works with the default WordPress theme like WooCommerce Storefront to understand whether it is our theme issue or not?

    Kind Regards

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