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Main menu header

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  • #568557


    Hi there I really strougle to set mobile menu in my Header
    I use Woodmart > Header builder > where I config as you’ll find attached below
    header set for sticky header

    I would like to be available / or to appear icon of my menu in header only when I Scroll down
    you can check

    Please check the images attached !

    Waiting your reply thank you !

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    Because I have to Situation , for header,

    for home page need to show as I explain above , but for categories pages I need to permanently show in the header

    Waiting your reply,
    Best regards !



    Sorry it is not possible in theme settings to show the mobile menu when you scroll down the page. You can add the menu in the header row and make the row stick.

    For more information follow this guide:

    Best Regards.

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