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Mega Menu with categories

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  • #541135


    Hello! I’m trying to figure out how to ensure that my HTML block is displayed, even when it’s placed on a category with “Subcategories” or “Submenus” in my menu. I understand that I can remove the submenus and then specify that an HTML block should be shown. However, if I do that the issue arises for custmoners who uses the mobile version of the website and the submenus disappear altogether, and they canĀ“t view the html-block. My goal is for the submenus to remain visible on mobile devices, where users cannot see the HTML block. Meanwhile, desktop users should see the HTML block when hovering over the category, without displaying the submenus.


    Hung Pham

    Hi philip.larsson,

    Thanks for reaching to us and take our apologies for the long delay in answering.

    HTML Block is used to create a Mega Menu block and cannot be used in mobile view as the mobile view does not have space enough to reflect it.

    You need to create separate multi-level Categories menu for mobile menu https://prnt.sc/19SX5WWqX_6e

    Navigate to WoodMart > Header builder > edit default header (highlighted star icon) or you can go through admin bar directly https://prnt.sc/Ct9ehRDvvDV9. Switch to Mobile tab, hover on Mobile menu element, click on Pencil icon to edit it https://prnt.sc/s6iF4ilXjpmW here you assign created menu above to display on mobile. https://prnt.sc/zRLwmIlGloJE https://prnt.sc/N4PrLBOJKMQm

    Please refer to this article https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/adding-menu-to-the-site/


    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Hung Pham.
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