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menu items non working

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  • #516384


    hi, there is a strange behaviour of the main menu in staging.acinolilla.com
    The first 2 items (VINO and ALCOLICI) are megamenu, and should display the subitems.
    Actually they seem blocked. Nothing happen, neither with click or hover.
    I tried with 3 different browsers and also in incognito mode.
    Not working!
    could you please give a look to see if you can understand the reason?
    thank you


    Artem Temos


    Please, disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us with your admin access. We will log in and check what is wrong there. You can leave only the following plugins that are required for our theme:
    WoodMart core
    Elementor/WPBakery page builder

    Thank you in advance



    Hi, I solved the issue. I found the plugin that blocked the menu.
    I’ve another question: the VINO submenu is a megamenu with the “aside” settings.
    Look at the image attached: I’d like to decrease the length of the tabs, of the menu and the padding of tabs.
    Xan you help me?
    thank you

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    Artem Temos


    Could you please send us a link to your website where we can see this issue?

    Kind Regards



    sure. the link is staging.acinolilla.com
    As for tabs and so on I already fixed all, but this one is outside my knowledge 🙂

    Please go to main menu VINI > VINI ROSSI, as I colored differently the background of the product boxes to show better what I mean.
    at the bottom of the right area, there is a gallery with 4 product boxes.
    Look at the image attached: I’d like to remove the spaces around the image and make closer to the image the title and the price. For all menu blocks

    Can you help me please?

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    Bogdan Donovan

    To make following changes you need to:

    1. Remove all your custom code related to the “small” product hover images (screenshot https://prnt.sc/K8ivohM2xRP0).

    2. Add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings.

    body .product.wd-hover-small .product-wrapper {
    	padding: 0;
    body .product.wd-hover-small .product-element-top {
    	display: flex;
    	align-items: center;
    	background-color: #FFF;
    body .product.wd-hover-small .product-element-bottom {
    	padding: 15px 15px 15px 0;

    Kind Regards



    that’s really a good beginning!!!!

    last thing: the element is actually 50% image and 50% text. Can we do 40% image and center the image horizontally in this 40%?

    thank you


    Bogdan Donovan

    Try to use the following code snippet to customize image width.

    body .product.wd-hover-small .product-element-top {
    	 max-width: 40%;

    Kind Regards



    it works, and how to center horizontally the image? I tried adding a justify-content: center; but it does not work …



    hi support. I solved my last issue, so ignore the question.

    Back to the original question: the mega menu is not working. We investigated and we discovered that this is due to a bot we would like to add that is in conflict with the mega menu: basically the mega menu does not open the subitems anymore.

    I added the bot script in a snippet in the footer. the bot is active in staging.acinolilla.com
    As you constantly experience issues, I’m wondering if you can help me in any way. Maybe you already had this problem and/or you’ve hints on how to solve this issue …

    thank you


    Bogdan Donovan

    We haven’t faced an issue like you described above. We also have checked your site and mega menu working normally on it. Please check the video (https://gyazo.com/6bcb72b545bebf90ac904a9069ffb050).

    Kind Regards



    You saw the mega menu working properly because the bot was disabled. we’ve to disable it to work on the site. If you can recheck, and you do not see the bot active, please advice me that I’ll enable immediately


    Bogdan Donovan

    In our theme, positioning of mega menu dropdowns is done via JS, so if some third-party custom code, script, or plugin is causing a general JavaScript error it will affect the operation of all other functionality dependent on JS, so if you face the following issues after activation third-party script on your site first you need to check if JS error is present on your site and then fix the issue in third party code or disable it.

    Please, provide us with your admin access so we can log in and check this on your side.

    Kind Regards



    credential attached. thank you
    if you will find the bot disabled, you can enable its snippet in wpcode


    Bogdan Donovan

    Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom JS → On document ready area in Theme Settings to fix this issue.

    window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('wdEventStarted'));

    Kind Regards

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