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Menú not showing

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  • #82565


    The navigation menu is not showing on tag pages.
    If you click on any tag page, the menu disapear.
    Here is an example:



    Deactivate all the third parties plugins not related to the theme and provide valid admin access.

    Best Regards



    I’ve tried to deactivate the plugins one by one but does not works.



    I have deactivated all your plugins and checked the page of tag estilo/packs-calzoncillos-bikkembergs/ I see menu http://prntscr.com/l5utg2

    Now activate all the plugins one by one checking the issue and you will detect the plugin which causes the problem

    Best Regards



    Well, I give you access to my site to check the problem. However you have deactivate all plugins and I have NOT AUTHORIZED to do this.
    You should know that my ecommerce site has been during hours without any payment gateway active, so NO SALES.
    All my url structure has changed due to this action, so Google has found all my url down during hours and has indexed the new ones.
    I send a newsletter to my suscribers on sunday morning and has been an absolute disaster.
    I’m not happy with this, you have not been careful with my project. Very bad idea let unactive all the plugins.


    Artem Temos

    But you wrote that you tried to deactivate all the plugins already so we supposed that you allow us to do the same when sent your dashboard access. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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