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Menu problem

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  • #170923


    now I’ve made movie.
    often, if to move pointer fast, page content appears instead menu.
    plz, see movie
    see 3-d second, for example. and 9-10-th, 15-16-th.

    you’ll see problem.

    I guest here problem of time of menu opening (in milliseconds). can you check accurately?



    I saw your provided video. Could you please update the theme and required plugins as you are using old version currently. So please update the theme and plugins and then check back your site. This will surely fix the issue.

    Best Regards.



    I updated Woocommerce and now in general no opening

    in translation “temporary closed”

    what to do?

    update: sorry, once again works



    I’ve updated both theme and all plugins, same situation, even worst




    The Category menu is set to display on hover So, when you move the cursor outside it is closed. There is no option in theme settings to increase the time of the menu.

    You can try changing the menu behaviour to click from Appearance >> Menus >> Open on mouse event.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://www.screencast.com/t/Ogu0ta2BH

    Or you can read our detailed documentation about the category menu from the following link:

    Best Regards.



    vakhtang_11, работает же меню, в чём проблема? если пустые подкатегории, то вопрос не в работе меню, а в отсутствии контента, тк там отображается только то, что есть и задано в админке.



    Thanks @smartdesignby, but this is not what @vakhtang_11, was looking for, I have explained in my last reply to him, you can read it.

    Best Regards.



    посмотрите ролик, я же специально сделал. в 80% случаев работает нормально, в 20% – нет. не срабатывает если быстро провести мышь снизу вверх. скорее всего, надо там изменить время (в миллисек), но может быть и другая причина js. дело не в кэше.


    вот ещё фильм:
    see 3-d second, for example. and 9-10-th, 15-16-th.

    и надо проверить на экране 2К или 4К, а не меньше.

    этот Айзис уже несколько раз отписки присылает



    я только что в Хроме почистил кэш, проблема как была – так и есть.



    проблема именно если не слева направо, а наискось мышь провести, что тоже иногда бывает


    Hello, vakhtang_11

    There is no problem at all. Sub-menu may appear on hover or on click event. When you have a horizontal menu, and you have set appearing the sub-menu on hover event, you get down to the sub-menu moving down, and (staying in the field of the sub-menu that is keeping the hover event effective) you move to the sides and it does not cause any problem. It does not disappear.

    When you set the hover event for the vertical menu, sub-menu appears, and you should move the mouse straight to the side and after that, you move around within the field of the menu to keep the hover event effective https://gyazo.com/614f576564d3a80c148ff87824217078 otherwise the sub-menu would disappear. When you move the mouse away from the field, there is no hover any more, and sub-menu disappears. That is the nature of the hover event. You can check our demo it works in the same way as on your site. That is why you are recommended to set the click event on the vertical menu.

    Best Regards



    here same problem

    Some user can move mouse from bottom-left corner to top-right (instead right). in this case, IMHO, previous mega-menu rectangle must remain (now it disappears).

    We don’t need to restrict users. Why they should leave menu if move mouse athwart? I understand that you planned JS so, but it’s inconvenient. Hope, explained

    for example:

    here in Hebrew (menu – from right – to left) bu you can see principle (nothing not disappearing). later I’ll prepare a movie.



    You should move the mouse straight to the side and after that, you move around within the field of the menu to keep the hover event effective .
    When you move the mouse away from the field, there is no hover any more, and sub-menu disappears because you have set showing the sub-menu on hover.
    This is the nature of the hover event. If you do not like it, switch to the click event. This is not changeable.

    Best Regards




    It is not a bag. And our theme does not influence on the nature of the hover event. Here is the custom CSS to increase the time of the hover:

    .sub-menu-dropdown, .vertical-navigation .sub-menu-dropdown {
        pointer-events: unset;
        transition-delay: .1s;

    Best Regards



    ok, thx for css.
    I changed css and now really works fine 🙂


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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