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Missing sorting option

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  • #547816



    I’m editing the home page of mega electronics containing multiple carousels which is nice, but I do not find the sorting option described in the documentation (https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/products-element-grid-or-carousel/). I’m using Elementor as suggested during the installation.

    I attached a screenshot. In this example, I would like the most recent updated products so ‘descending’. And of course, on some other Carousels, the most recent created thus with ‘Date’ and ascending.

    Can you advise me?

    Kind regards

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    The Sorting option in the documentation is available in the Ajax product tabs.
    See screenshot:

    If you are using a Products Grid or carousel widget you need to set the “order by” of products.

    Best Regards.




    Thank you for your reply.

    Is it possible to sort result using a carousel widget?
    Because for the moment, ‘Last modified date’ is looking for the oldest modified date where it would make much more sense, in this scenario, to show the newly modified products firsts.
    On the page I mentioned (https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/products-element-grid-or-carousel/ => see screenshot), there is a screenshot of a carousel configuration with a group by and then a sorting option which makes sense. The question is, where is this functionality using elementor ? 🙂

    Kind regards

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    This option is available in the wp bakery widget. You cannot set the same in the elementor. You need to choose the “order by” in this widget.

    Best Regards.

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