Hello, dear Xtemos team and forum users,
I am not happy with the mobile usage of the shop. The first tap on a product opens a frame with a short description and buttons (which I like), the second tap opens 3 points in the frame, and the third tap opens the product. The points allow to show more of a short description. This has no benefits in my eyes. I want the product to be opened on the second tap (like it is on desktop). How do I achieve this?
Another problem is “Related products”. If you tap on one, the stars of review are shown. If there is no review – nothing happens, which feels like an error. I don’t see any benefit in showing the stars of related products. Could you please tell me how to remove this and allow users to open the related products on the first tap.
Summing up, the idea of multiple taps in described situations is not a common behaviour you find in online shops and makes the flow of browsing products on mobile really difficult. Could you please consider this feedback and remove most of it? I know I can deactivate the frame, but I like it, one tap for it is okay for me, but two not.
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