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  • #147284


    I have the same problem 🙁



    I am checking the site and do not see the problem. https://gyazo.com/f0e7be1a4ac952968e801224cdf7d6e9

    Please provide more details or some other site admin access if you mean another one.

    Best Regards



    You can’t see issue because I disable count label 🙂 Now I enabled it again. Add product on list and then delete it. 🙂



    I have added the product and then removed and do not see the problem https://gyazo.com/9e751b2dd48dda3107524b11c707f84c

    What site do you have the problem with? I am checking http://sl***nsko.je/test/

    Please provide more details.

    Best Regards



    Sorry I forgot to save settings. Plese cheeck this

    I think that issue appear when customer has an deletet product on wishlist. I added 2 products on wishlist, but then I deleted it. Product was also deleted from wishlist, but as you can see label stil show 2 products on wishlist. When I opened wishlist forr the first time I can read empty wishlist text. As you can see now there is only empty wishlist without text 🙂 I tried to delete cookies. I dont have any cache plugin on my website



    I dont know what happened with link you can find it in private area.



    Please deactivate the cache plugins and check the issue, if the problem remains, deactivate the plugins not related to the theme and update the site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    Hello sorry for late respond. I dont have any cache plugin installed on my page


    Artem Temos

    It seems that some products that you added to the wishlist are removed and now you still see this number in the wishlist. We will fix this kind of bug in our next theme update. If the problem will remain, contact us and we will check again.

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