Home Forums WoodMart support forum Need to Make Home Page section to one colmun instead of two column on mobile

Need to Make Home Page section to one colmun instead of two column on mobile

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  • #339776


    https://www.keeraikadai.com Please give css code or any other method to convert the following specified below to one column only for mobile view

    1) http://www.keeraikadai.com Home Page = Under Carefully Crafted Range of Products, there is Greeny Meal and Grenny Dip as two column. I want this as one column on mobile view alone
    2) all of the below links we want is as one column on mobile view alone.


    please note following are the codes already on the appearance = customize = additional css

    .whb-top-bar {
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    (min-width: 1025px){
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    You can set the number of columns on all devices in the Theme Settings > Product Archive > Product Grid > Products columns on desktop /mobile / tablet.

    Please remove all your custom CSS related to the columns.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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