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Not css website

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  • #189949


    Hola, tengo un problema, de repente dejo de funcionar el css en todo el sitio, nose el motivo, espero que se pueda solucionar. gracias

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    Please explain what you mean in more detail. I am checking the site and do not see any problems.

    If you mean these images https://gyazo.com/6955bba8dcad9af2a0dd702614f65e9a they are placeholder image – installing demo content doesn’t create a site that is an identical copy of our demo site because it has a big number of pages and images that takes to much time to complete.
    Most images you see on our site are not included in our theme package and will not be imported.

    Best Regards



    Hello, en el index y shop logre solucionar el css, pero no pude el cart y checkout, podes ver que no se ve el css.



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated for us to check.

    Best Regards

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