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Notice in cart

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  • #132899


    Hello guys.
    We want to create a notice in the cart, but when we try to use the wordpress hooks, we see that the notice appears in the footer and it is sticked.
    We don’t want to do this but we want to add it in the cart. You can see an example here:

    How can we override your apply to render notices in these positions as in the image?

    Thanks in advance



    The notices are displayed by means of this hook: add_action( 'woocommerce_before_cart', 'woocommerce_output_all_notices', 10 );

    Best Regards



    My friend.
    Please read carefully my question before answer me.

    I know how to display the notices. My question is how to override your notices which comes fixed in the bottom?
    I have this notice now:

    And I want to achieve something like this:

    I use the same code to do that so probably your theme overrides the default position of all notices.



    Please disable “Sticky notifications” in the Theme Settings > General > http://prntscr.com/ogbol0

    And check once more.

    Best Regards

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