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Option to Disable Redux

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  • #181527



    We use a plugin that sadly uses Redux Framework to manage the plugins options.

    When is active it prioritizes its CSS over your theme.

    I stumble upon this thread


    I did delete the line and now it’s working.

    Consider adding an option to disable this inside your theme settings panel instead of hacking our way through woodmart’s theme files if it’s possible so it can stay disabled after theme update also.

    Thank you.



    Redux Framework is no more needed in the recent versions, delete it. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/3-x-4-0-migration-guide/

    Best Regards



    I know that already.

    As i said some 3rd party plugins use redux to manage their plugin’s settings and when this plugin is active the redux settings overwrites woodmarts.

    The fix is in the thread i posted above. They thing i said is to consider maybe have an option in the future to remove this line without touching the file’s code and do that from inside theme settings panel.


    Artem Temos

    Try to add the following PHP code snippet to the child theme functions.php file to do this

    add_filter( 'woodmart_redux_settings', '__return_false' );

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