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Parallel Blog Format?

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  • #55180


    Hi, currently my blog posts are a little uneven (depending on the image size or number of lines of header text). Is there a way to standardize in more of a grid format?

    I must not be seeing that.




    The height of blog post in grid depends on the height of each element inside: title, description. You need to make title and description of fixed height. You should be careful, cause fixed heigh may generate empty space if it is too big, or cut the content is it is not enough.

    Best Regards



    Gotcha, thanks. How would I go about doing that, css?

    Also, I have varying sized images but some are parallel and some aren’t is this due to aspect ratio?

    850×566 & 1024×683 are the same size, but a 1024×768 is not. I’m looking for a repeatable way to have the same size images. Is there a way to do this in WP or do the image sizes need to be changed before they’re ever uploaded?




    The best way to display images is to optimize them before uploading. It ensures good quality of and proper cropping.

    Try to configure the uploaded images via Dashboard > Settings > Media. Or find a plugin for image optimization.

    Best Regards



    Thank you very much, I’ll do that for photos!

    In terms of titles, is there a way via css to standardize title size to 3 rows, regardless of the length of the title?




    No, there is no such option in CSS the quantity of lines in title depends on the length of words.

    Best Regards

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