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Portfolio Display Set to 6 columns but only showing 5 large screen resolution

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  • #5818


    Hi I have 3 questions:

    1. We have set the portfolio to display in 6 columns with 30px gaps, this displays correctly on my screen at the resolution of 1366×768 however it is displaying only 5 columns across at their screen resolution of 1680×1050 see screen shots http://prnt.sc/cy9lcq and http://prnt.sc/cy9nj8 why is it not displaying the 6 columns?

    2. Is it possible when the portfolio is displaying with the text to have the next row items all start at the same height, so that text from one item above is not pushing the item below it lower than the other items in that row?

    3. On the sliders I notice that the alignment of items differ from Chrome to Firefox, see the box with the red text in the following screen shots http://prnt.sc/cy9qj3 and http://prnt.sc/cy9qmg can this be fixed?



    Artem Temos


    Thank you for your questions.

    1. Could you please send us a link where we can see this problem?

    2. Our portfolio projects are created with masonry grid JS. The only way we can suggest is to set equal height for your projects texts with CSS. We will provide you with a snippet when will be able to see your website live.

    3. Our theme doesn’t manage slides layers with CSS or JS whence can’t be the reason for that. So it may a Revolution Slider plugin or you have missed something from its configuration or layer alignment. We suggest you watch video tutorials that may contain some useful tips for you https://www.themepunch.com/faq/slider-revolution-beginner-video-guides-tutorials/




    You will have to forward me you IP so I can allow you access to view the files, you will also have to modify your host file, details will be sent in privacy.


    Artem Temos


    Our current IP is



    I have allowed you IP


    Artem Temos

    Thank you.

    1. Try to fix it by adding this code snippet to the Custom CSS field in Theme Settings

    .row-spacing-30 .portfolio-entry {
        width: 16.5%!important;

    2. Here is a snippet to fix description height (increase if it is not enough)

    .portfolio-entry .entry-header>.portfolio-info {
        min-height: 160px;




    The height fix works, I was going to do this but thought it might have too much effect on the mobile view but actually it looks fine.

    However the column fix does not work for iPhone or iPad, the items don’t wrap they are in tiny columns, so I will leave this.

    Thank you for your help.


    Artem Temos

    Try to add columns fix only for desktop devices in Custom CSS. It should help.

    Kind Regards



    Thank you, have you got the code for this?


    Artem Temos

    We meant that you need this fix place only for desktop (find field in Custom CSS tab)

    .row-spacing-30 .portfolio-entry {
        width: 16.5%!important;


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