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Pre selected variation swatches not working.

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  • #576330


    Hey there,

    On some of my products i have product variations (color and size) preselected so the customers default to one color and size and if they like it, they just click add to cart, since it’s already preselected when they land on the product page.

    However, even though it’s preselected on product’s end (Black color + S size) when you try to click ‘Add to cart’ it says that i need to select variations beforehand. So the preselection doesn’t work.

    Could you help me fix this?



    I have checked your provided link and choose the variation and then add to cart. It is working fine.
    See Screenshot for clarification:

    Best Regards.



    Hey, thanks for the fast response, however, for me it’s not working.

    Could you please land on the home page and then visit the product named ‘Paranoia Majica’? It’s right there on the Home page.

    And don’t click on any variation, just click Add to Cart. For me it prompts an error. Sending a video explanation.



    Sorry, the upload exceeds the max upload size.



    Yes, I have checked your site. You need to choose variation for variable products, for example, color and size, you need to select both to add to the cart. This is the way Woocommerce works.

    Best Regards.




    So, it’s not how Woocommerce functions. Could you forward me to someone senior or someone who knows how to solve the problem?

    On my other Woocommerce website, when the preselected variations are selected, you don’t need to click on size and color to add to cart.

    If the DEFAULT variation swatches are selected, when you land on the page, both size and color and already selected so it makes sense to just add to cart at the end.



    Sorry for this confusion!

    Please deactivate all the 3rd party plugins and activate only theme-required plugins on the site and then check the issue. I am sure your issue will be solved. Then Activate the 3rd party plugins one by one and check which plugin is creating the issue for you.

    Otherwise, if the issue still exists then keep the 3rd party plugins deactivated and share the wp logins details so i will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.

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