I want to change theme in main website. Before that I want to test on staging site. But, when i import the demo content, its only changed the header and footer. But, the content not included on demo. I already deactived all plugin, but its still same problem.
I recommend running an import on a fresh WordPress installation. To do this, you can use the WordPress Database Reset plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-database-reset/). This plugin can be used to remove all existing content and install a new version from scratch.
this step make the website is going lose all content. do you have another solution? or can we move the content from live site to staging site after all theme content are imported?
You can create a dev site and import any template there, then with the help of the import functionality of Elementor you can copy the some specific blocks and move it to the main website, more detail is here: https://elementor.com/help/template-library/
Devsite – also called a Staging platform where you can test issues, enable/disable features/plugins thus such changes will affect the main site. The below article will help you to create it: