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Price Filter

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  • #67115


    I have a question about price filter.
    When i filter products by price, website fully reloads and if there is some active filter it works perfect.
    Is it possible to fix this issue?
    Fore more details please check the links down bellow
    Thank you in advance
    Best regards

    Full Reloading: https://gyazo.com/a821d701657586924b97a3751d6f1482

    Active Filter Example: https://gyazo.com/c2e17fe74f6167f5067b6e7921c56528


    Artem Temos


    Our AJAX requests have a timeout of 5 seconds and if they don’t get a response from the server at this time the page will be loaded in a natural way. If you need, we can give you an instruction how to increase this time to 10 or 15 seconds but it is not a solution and you can try to disable this function completely.

    Kind Regards

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