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Problem about sliders

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  • #208950


    Hello, There is a problem about sliders. When I swipe images and anyway on slider, page swipes and it is not stabil. This problem just is at mobile firefox and safari. How can I solve this problem because I want to buy this theme but this is a problem. You can see my screenrecorder about this problem. I compared firefox and chrome on video. Thank you.



    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    We are using OWL Carousel JS library for this functionality and it may work a bit different in some browsers. Sorry, but we are not able to control this in our theme scope. When you scroll the page vertically, the carousel script may not recognize it as a carousel horizontal swap and you can see this problem.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    I find this solve.
    If I add this code will it be any problem.
    add global css

    .owl-carousel.owl-drag .owl-item {
        touch-action: pan-y;
    .owl-carousel .owl-item {
        touch-action: pan-y;

    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we can’t guarantee that this code will work well on all devices and will not cause any conflicts.



    okey, this problem is important so you should add your solving task. is this problem at your task list ?

    Can you add this


    Artem Temos

    Unfortunately, we don’t have a solution at the moment. You can try to apply the CSS you got from github and test how it works for you.

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