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Problem with attribute options

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  • #116080


    Hello Im trying to add atributes to my product and Im having trouble adding the swatches to the product page.

    Im followed your tutorial on youtube and but my product options appear on the bottom product description, instead on the one inmediatly right of the product image.

    Theres just one difference between what I saw on your video and what I see on my page and it’s the attribute type dropdown menu where Type ‘Select’ is fixed as default. I dont have that on my options.

    I left an image showing where the attributes are show on my test product.

    Thanks in advance.

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    Please try again:

    Navigate to Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes -> Color -> Configure iterms, enable swatch as shown http://prntscr.com/jskm29

    If the problem remains, please provide the site admin access to the private area as well as product page URL

    Best Regards

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