The first problem concerns the images. Every time I use an element that requires an image, I encounter issues with custom dimensions. For example, if I set a custom size in pixels, the image doesn’t adjust to the given dimensions and ends up being cropped. Why is this happening? This wasn’t an issue before.
Increasing the height works, but maybe I didn’t explain myself well. I don’t understand why if by setting the size 200×80 px the image doesn’t automatically adapt considering those dimensions. Once upon a time it adapted and corrected itself, whereas now I would have to calculate the exact size based on the proportion. Did I manage to understand?
The Image size option crops the image, not just sets the sizes via CSS. So I have checked that option in the default element from WPB and there is the same behavior – ,
You need to upload by default image with appropriate sizes, or upload it as an SVG with the default width and height attributes.