We have studied jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator errors that are present on your site (screenshot https://prnt.sc/H1RG2i8bPh5c). Since the existing errors have different origins, their presence requires different explanations:
1. https://prnt.sc/ZE0FmEac2Qa1 – caused by our theme styles missing variable default value. This issue will be fixed in the next theme update.
8,16. https://prnt.sc/-ksOAeNT7vhz – caused by validator compatibility with :has()
pseudo-classes and clamp()
CSS function that is related to Selectors Level 4 (CSS 4.0), but judging by your screenshot you passed the test for CSS 3.0 (screenshot https://prnt.sc/UTsZriwi-_yk) that can have issues with CSS 4.0 selectors. The Validator GitHub page already has open issues related to similar problems. For example, https://github.com/validator/validator/issues/1648, https://github.com/validator/validator/issues/1585. Unfortunately, this cannot be easily fixed via custom code or theme updates.
73. https://prnt.sc/HsJOPX4v8WU8 – caused by syntax error with unclosed CSS comment. This code is part of some custom code related to the “update cart” on the cart page. You need to check your custom code related to the cart page and fix this syntax error, since our theme styles doesn’t have such a style related to the [name=update_cart]
Kind Regards