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Problems with menu on mobile and color of slider text

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  • #120280



    I’m using Basel theme for my website (link in private) and I’m having problems with mobile version. The menu is not showing correctly. It shows just “blog” and “search bar” which is not ok. In attachment I’m sending print screen, so you will be able to see.

    I’m also having problems with text color in slider. It should be white, but on mobile it’s black. In attachment I’m sending print screen, so you will be able to see.

    Please send me instructions to fix that.

    Best regards,
    Žiga Kranjec

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    Please navigate to Appearance > Menu > chose your mobile menu and configure http://prntscr.com/nfaesq

    Navigate to Slider Revolution and check your layers visibility on different devices

    Best Regards



    Thank you!

    I managed to fix all those issues. Great support!

    Best regards,
    Žiga Kranjec


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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