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Product Attachment

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  • #266696


    Is it possible to add on product page tab Attachment and attach .pdf files with product?

    Thanks in advance.




    Product AJAX Tabs does not provide the option to attach the PDf to the products. You can try using Tabs element by a builder, insert PFG image and assign to the product or show in the way you need.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,
    Do you recommend any particular plugin that can be used to attach a PDF within a tab?



    You do not need any plugins. All options have been already provided.

    1. Upload PDF to the media library.

    2. Add the Tabs element from the WP bakery chart, insert a row inside divide it into columns.

    3. insert a single image into one column, upload an image (you can upload one and the same) and then find the option to assign a link to your PDF from the Media library.

    4. You can combine a single image and a Product Grid and your tabs would have both products and PDF images to open PDF.

    Best Regards

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