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Product filter not working

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  • #439994


    Hello, I have a problem with the product filters on the store’s home page. When one clicks on an attribute filter, it is redirected to the blog page and the filters do not work. When you enter the product category, then they work. I updated the theme, deleted all the plugins that are not linked to the theme and the filters still don’t work.



    I send you admin access

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by dragan.cubra.

    Luke Nielsen


    You have defined the Shop page as a Home page, so in this case, on the Home page these filters will not work properly.

    Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any further help or any other info.

    Kind Regards



    This site was built a year ago and the shop page was always set as the homepage and your filters always worked without problems. A few days ago there was a problem with the filters and please check what is the problem.
    This is a big site with a lot of traffic and sales so please fix the problem for us.
    I love your theme and have bought it over 10 times, I don’t use support very often so please fix this for us.


    Luke Nielsen

    Ok, in this case, please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not.

    Kind Regards



    I’m really disappointed with your suggestions, you should know if you’ve at least looked I’m using your filter widgets which are built for the woodmart theme and don’t work with the storefront theme. Woodmart filters don’t even show up in widgets when I switch to storefront. Please, if you are not an expert to help me, give it to someone else who is more knowledgeable in the functioning of the topic. Until now everything was working, and now it stopped working so please as a support thread for professional help.


    Luke Nielsen


    Our filter widgets are based on WooCommerse widgets so on the default theme you need to define the default filter widgets from WooCommerce (e.g Filter Products by Attribute).


    Let me know the result.

    Kind Regards



    I really don’t understand what you want me to do, the woodmart filters don’t work on the home page, but they work when you enter one of the categories (the same widgets), until now, for the past year, they also worked normally on the home shop page. I’m turning to you for help and I don’t know how to do what you’re asking me to do, but I’m turning to you to see what the problem is.


    Luke Nielsen


    As I mentioned above, our filter functionality is based on the default that is from WooCommerce so I wanted you to check if the default theme has the same error by using the default filters. Anyway, I can check it for you, just please confirm the permission for switching to the default theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable all back.

    Kind Regards



    You have permission , I made backup.


    Luke Nielsen


    I have defined the default filter by attributes on your Home/Shop page and switched to the default theme to check its behavior.


    As a result, I saw the same as on our theme, it redirects to the Blogs results.


    So I suggest you contact with WooCommerce support team for further solutions.

    Kind Regards

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