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product filters 2

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  • #504567


    Hi again,
    now I’m trying to setup a filter based on categories. Both the “products filter” elements in elementor and the “woodmart woocommerce layered nav” widget list all categories, but what I need is to create several filter criteria, one for each parent category I have, and show all the child items to be selected as filter criteria.
    look at this image to understand better what I need, of look it live in the link below. To create that filter I used another plugin, and not your core functions
    How can I get this?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by fcoerezza.
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    Go to Appearance > Widgets and add the products categories widgets and make subcategories. It looks like this:
    In this screenshot i have added subcategories only for accessories categories:

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards.



    i got the point, but my question is still open: what if I’ve several parent/child tree structures of categories? how can I select a tree widget? The point is that I need to create several filters, each one with a specific category tree



    Try to create a parent categories and child categories and use the woodmart layered nav filters and create filters for specific categories:

    Best Regards.

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