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Product page changes

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  • #62682



    I would like to modify several things on the product page. They are 3.

    1. I would like to edit the word ‘Description’ for a different word. I tried to change that with Loco Translate Plugin but it didn’t work. Where could I find this part in a php file to change the word from there?

    2. When the page shows the content, the ‘Descripción’ part is showing the whole content in it automatically. I would like to show ‘Descripción’ and ‘Shipping and Delivery’ like on pic 2.

    3. How can I add a new tab? I would like to have 3 separated different parts on this area.

    Thanks in advance.

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    Please check this tutorial and make sure you are searching the Description in Woocommerce plugin


    In order to hide shipping tab, navigate to Theme Settings > Product page and clean all the field for shipping https://gyazo.com/3eccb9a7227101bf691f88a6f9802070

    You can find here tutorial how to edit Product tabs https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/editing-product-data-tabs/

    Best Regards




    1. Issue solved 🙂

    2. I don’t want to hide the shipping tab. I would like to show both tabs but closed, just opened when you click on them. I mean, when you enter to the product page, the first
    accordion tab (the description one) is activated (extended) automatically.

    3. Issue solved 🙂

    Hope you can help me with point two. Thanks in advance!



    Please provide your site admin access and product URL

    Best Regards



    There you go!

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    By default, WooCommerce opens the first tab when the page is loaded. You can try to close it manually right after page loading by adding this code snippet to the Custom JS section in Theme Settings:

    setTimeout(function() {
    	var $tab = jQuery('.basel-tab-wrapper').find('a.active');
    }, 10);

    Best Regards



    Ir worked!! Thank you so much Elise! 😉


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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